

He went to paradise on a flying horse (17:1, buk3207), he was inspired by God, sweating (buk2), snorting like a camel (muslim1180a), God reveal the answers to 3 questions only a prophet could answer (buk3938), water flowed from his fingers into a bowl (buk3572), Even God hasten to statify his desire (mus1464a, buk5113)
Quran Al-Isra(The Night Journey) 17:1 (en en2 tfs tfs2) Mohamed's miracles and revelations (23)
Glory be to the One Who took His servant by night, we may show him some of Our signs
Hadith Al Bukhari 3215 (en en2) Mohamed's miracles and revelations (23)
The Angel came to me with a voice which resembles the sound of a ringing bell
Hadith Al Bukhari 3207 (en en2) Mohamed's miracles and revelations (23) God is unfair (38) Prayers (39) The 7 heavens (17) Funny stories (37)
Mohamed flew on Al-Buraq, then went to paradise to negociate with Allah the number of prayers.
Hadith Al Bukhari 3887 (en en2)
Hadith Muslim 162a (en en2)
Hadith Al Bukhari 2 (en en2) Mohamed's miracles and revelations (23)
Inspiration came like a rigging bell with sweat dropping from his forehead
Hadith Muslim 1180a (en en2) Mohamed's miracles and revelations (23)
Inspiration came on Mohamed, he was snorting like a camel
Hadith Muslim 1180c (en en2) Mohamed's miracles and revelations (23)
Inspiration came on Mohamed, his face was red and his breathing heavy
Hadith Al Bukhari 3938 (en en2) Mohamed's miracles and revelations (23) Jews and Christians (47)
A Jew asked three questions only a prophet can answer, Mohamed answered it correctly
Hadith Al Bukhari 4480 (en en2)
Hadith Al Bukhari 3572 (en en2) Mohamed's miracles and revelations (23)
The water started flowing from the prophet's fingers into a bowl
Hadith Tirmidhi 3633 (en en2)
Hadith Al Bukhari 4102 (en en2) Mohamed's miracles and revelations (23)
He spat in a dough and meat-pot, one thousand ate and pot was still full of meat
Hadith Al Bukhari 4741 (en en2) Mohamed's miracles and revelations (23) New born (25) God can punish and kill (12) Description of paradise (5) Gog and Magog (6)
At that point, any pregnant woman will give up her pregnancy and the child will have gray hair.
Hadith Al Bukhari 2581 (en en2) Mohamed's miracles and revelations (23) Aïsha, the brave child (65)
The Divine Inspiration only came under the blanket of Aisha
Hadith Al Bukhari 3775 (en en2)
Hadith Tirmidhi 600 (en en2)
Hadith Al Bukhari 7420 (en en2) Mohamed's miracles and revelations (23) Zainab, his son's wife (9) Zayd the adopted son (4)
Zainab is proud of the revelation of 33:37 and of her divine marriage to the prophet
Quran Al-Haqqah(The Sure Reality) 69:44-46 (en en2 tfs tfs2) Mohamed's miracles and revelations (23) Mohamed's death (11)
Had the Messenger made up something in Our Name, we would have severed his aorta
Hadith Ibn Majah 3953 (en en2) Mohamed's miracles and revelations (23) Gog and Magog (6)
Mohamed says that even virtuous people will be destroyed if sins increase
Quran An-Najm(The Star) 53:1-4 (en en2 tfs tfs2) Mohamed's miracles and revelations (23)
Muhammad has not strayed, Nor does he speak from his own inclination, It is a revealed revelation
Hadith Al Bukhari 5113 (en en2) Mohamed's miracles and revelations (23) Aïsha, the brave child (65) Woman is a sex object (46)
Aisha said on 33:51, 'your Lord hurries in pleasing you'
Hadith Muslim 1464a (en en2)